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Changing the Odds Remix elevates new ways of thinking, seeing, and acting on truths parents know and research confirms:

Learning happens everywhere. • Relationships and experiences drive development.  • All young people have potential . • Opportunities are inequitable. • Schools cannot do this alone.

Commissioned Papers

The Knowledge to Power Catalysts team is sometimes commissioned to write papers that share and uplift many of the ideas we talk and write about here on Changing the Odds Remix. We are pleased to share these papers with you here. 

The XQ Student Performance Framework (XQ SPF) defines
student success not by test scores or Carnegie Units, but
by the achievement of meaningful outcomes across
academic content, cognitive skills, and social-emotional

 “Equity-Center Thriving” that opens a door to new thinking, research, and practices that will challenge how thriving and equity can be expanded by goals and standards addressing interdependent, cumulative, and culturally influenced. 

“Dissatisfaction with public education is at an all-time high. Yet even in the face of high dissatisfaction, the resistance to change is enormous. This is precisely because the system is too essential to fail.” 

Recent Publications

Check out our latest blogs and articles in Remix Commentaries, short excerpts from recent conversations we’ve had in On the Record Interviews, and new additions to our field archives – Remix Classics.

Latest Episodes from the Remix Podcast

The Power of Purpose in Youth Work
Guiding & Inspiring Teens to Create Their Own Future 
Building Relationship Through Visibility 
Karen recording a podcast session

Changing the Odds Remix is Karen Pittman's newest and lasting contribution to the thriving youth fields.

"I retired as CEO of the organization I started and love to refire my engines as a thought leader of the field I helped create."

I have made a career of starting organizations and initiatives that promote youth development – including the Forum for Youth Investment, which I co-founded with Merita Irby in 1998. After serving as the President & CEO of the Forum for Youth Investment until February 2021, I stepped away from organizational management to dedicate my time to galvanizing the growing interest in using science-informed strategies to truly change the odds that all children and youth can be successful. I spent the remainder of 2021 as a senior fellow at the Forum, working with Merita Irby on the Readiness Projects while I took time to find or create my new “home base.”

I am pleased to have recently announced my decision to become a proud partner in Knowledge to Power (KP) Catalysts, helping friend and colleague Katherine Plog Martinez strengthen and expand her nimble, capacity-building business.

Katherine is co-creator and executive producer of Changing the Odds Remix, this public platform for sharpening the ideas about how, where, when, why, and with whom learning and development happens (or doesn’t happen). Launching this month with the first season of the Remix podcast, you’ll see this space grow in the coming months with a wide range of regular Remix publications. In addition, after a several year hiatus, in January 2022 I will once again begin writing a monthly column in Youth Today.

group of teenagers talking

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